Why January Marks an Uptick in Divorce Filings
At the Law Office of Joyce Holcomb, our experienced divorce attorney in San Bernardino understands there are many reasons why family law attorneys see a lot more traffic in January than they did in the preceding months.
Dubbed by many as “divorce month,” many couples often see January as a starting point for moving forward with the process.
Although designating a month as a divorce champion seems crass, there are several reasons for the uptick in these family law cases at the start of the year. Here is why.
January is Preceded by Several Important Holidays
Before our California residents can ring in the new year, they must get through the all-important holiday months of November and December.
During these busy celebratory times, most spouses cannot imagine adding the stressful and highly emotional divorce decision to the fray — especially when they have children.
Deciding to divorce is an important one that requires a lot of thought, planning, and eventually, action. Even the unhappiest of couples are often reluctant to end a marriage during the holiday season.
However, once the year ends, divorce conversations can resume and legal solutions are easier to reach, since family law attorneys are back to work, and the courts are back in session from their holiday closures.
January Marks a New Year and a Fresh Start
Even when couples are on the fence about working through their marital issues or are even currently separated, January marks both a literal and figurative fresh start.
Many people see January as more than the start of a new calendar year. They consider January to be symbolic of new beginnings.
When couples have been finding reasons to remain married — whether it is the holidays or a general unwillingness to move forward for fear of the unknown — January often inspires them to start anew.
No matter the reasons you may be seeking a divorce in California, it is important to understand your legal rights and options to make informed decisions about the process. We can help.
Contact Our Skilled San Bernardino Divorce Attorney Today for a Free Consultation
If you would like to discuss how your divorce may affect your life going forward, so you can plan accordingly, contact our San Bernardino Family Law attorney at the Law Office of Joyce Holcomb by calling (909) 889-7111 today to discuss your concerns, so we can create a customized legal approach for your unique needs.